Externally accessing services

If you would like to connect to your database, or some other service, from your host using a GUI client like SequelPro, you can run lando info and use the external_connection information and any relevant creds for the service you want to connect to.

You can also check out the environment variable LANDO INFO, which is available in every Lando container, as it contains useful information about how your application can access other Lando services.

Some example connection info for the mariadb service is shown below:

lando info --service mariadb --format default

[ { service: 'mariadb',
    urls: [],
    type: 'lagoon-mariadb',
    healthy: true,
    creds: { user: 'drupal', password: 'drupal', database: 'drupal', rootpass: 'Lag00n' },
    internal_connection: { host: 'mariadb', port: '3306' },
    external_connection: { host: '', port: '32790' },
    config: {},
    version: 'custom',
    meUser: 'mysql',
    hostnames: [ 'mariadb.drupalexample.internal' ] }]